Sunday, December 19, 2004

Faith and Sight - A Paradox

Coming out of church today, I was overwhelmed with such a strong sense of God's calling us to this place. It is not a feeling that words can describe, simply an inward confidence and certainty that we are where God wants us.

At the same time, certainty does not mean that I have things figured out. It does not mean that fear does not creep into my heart as we begin to wonder where our financial support will come from and wondering where the exact location of our church will be. As someone said to me in church today as they were asking about our church plant, "My faith is a lot more easy when I can see where I am walking." He said this tongue in cheek, but I believe that this is a problem for me and for Christians all over. We say we have faith in God, but then fail to live a life that depends upon Him. We risk very little in our country by saying that we believe in God. Even a simple tithe is risking very little in the big picture of things. What do we do to lay our lives out there and say, "Lord, take me and use me no matter the cost"?

It is becoming so clear to me through this process that my life has been lived with faith that requires sight. True faith is lived when we "walk by faith and not by sight." I am praying that God will continue to exersize my "faith muscle" as we continue this journey. It strikes fear in my heart to pray that prayer, but I am confident that it will draw me closer to the heart of God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there I am home for the Holidays and my mom gave me your letter, so I thought that I would come and check out whats going on in the lives of the Kuest's. I am so happy for you guys and to hear what God is doing. I miss you all and its just not the same coming to AZ and not being able to catch up with you. I was packing up my room (yes, we have still not moved) today and I came across a picture from CIY, it was of you and me and all the girls that I was friends with in High School. Those were the days :) Well, April Ake just got married on Sat. thats the big news in my life. I have one more year of Ozark then I am done (next Dec.). My ministry at The Bridge is going really well, it was hard leaving those kids for the holidays. I go back to Joplin on the 29th just in time for the Bridge's New Years Eve lock-in. If you could pray for that, that would be awesome. It is a huge outreach and we are doing the gospel presentation a little different than last year. Just pray for open hearts and that the event goes smooth. Take care!!! Tell the family that I said hi and Merry Christmas. I will email you with all my new information.
